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Western Short Stories
F.J. Talley

F.J. Talley

Bio. of F.J. Talley

F.J. Talley has independently published  "Twin Worlds", followed by "Take Hart", both of which were published in 2017 and is currently seeking representation for this third novel, Diaspora, the first in the Mitchell Street series. F. J.'s work has appeared in the anthology for Creatures, Crimes and Creativity on three occasions,and his short story "By the River" was selected for inclusion in the 30th Anniversary anthology of the Maryland writer's Association. F. J. is also the winner of the 2019 Award for Fiction from the Gulf Coast Writer's Association.

Western Short Stories by F.J. Talley


F.J. Talley

The sheriff’s long, lean body strode toward the hill, deliberate, but not weary. He began the climb in the early morning before sunrise to be at the site before the undertaker. As he walked, he lifted his collar against the morning frost, cursing the changing New Mexico weather. Read the full story HERE>>