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Cowboy Poetry and Western Verse
The story of Dagger and Dicky Chet, is not of a couple of boys, but of an ol kid on his journey to manhood. It is a conflict of personalities that tell a story. It is one that many of us as men can relate to if we think of our own life and the conflict between the boy and the man.

Dagger and Dicky Chet
Merle Roehr

The boys he worked with called him Dagger,
cause he carried a long sharp knife.
The old timers called him Dicky Chet,
cause they’d known him all their life.

At this age the fella was having it rough.
Cause one made him a little boy,
and living up to being a man, was just a little tough.

Dagger was beginning to be a serious cowboy,
one with a job to do.
Dicky Chet had a playful heart,
chasing that wild broad blue.

Now along on a little bay horse they rode,
but with little plan before.
It was that Dagger was searching for cows
and Dicky Chet was bored.

Dicky Chet pulled down a rope,
to chase the boredom away
and Dagger had went and tied it hard,
so it wouldn’t, just be play.

It’s here the fun’s about to start,
where the two of them collide.
Just what happens then and there,
produces quite a ride.

The little bay horse, some cow savvy had,
and would bow at their request.
But in just a little while, would be a proposal,
that would put him to the test.

It was through the mesquite and cedar they trod,
when a muley buck broke to his feet.
Dagger thought the decision unwise,
Dicky Chet thought it a treat.

Dicky Chet had thrown a loop,
on the antlers it lay square.
Dagger decided to bust him hard,
but when he hit the end of the rope,
the buck, he wasn’t there.

Over his shoulder the fella looked,
and there to his surprise,
the buck was standing on hind feet,
an awful look in his eyes.

Now trying hard as both of them might.
There wasn’t a chance of that rope getting tight.

The little bay was trying hard,
to stay together and hitched.
The rope was threaded through his feet and brush,
much like a bad sewing stitch.

As bad as it was, Dicky Chet was wanting,
to find his way out of this wreck.
Dagger was trying to reach that knife,
a figuring what the heck.

Seems as many times as they had circled,
space was getting mighty tight.
The closer they were the scareder they was,
and that buck was on the fight.

Dicky Chet was wanting out
and Dagger was holding his cool.
But that little bay horse at the end of the rope,
had turned into a fool.

The little bay had started to pitch,
a thinking that would help.
That ol buck with front feet flaying,
had given Dagger quite a welt.

Dicky Chet had taken leave of his senses,
when Dagger found the knife.
He was figuring if he cut the rope,
it’d rid them of their strife.

As that buck’s hoof sliced the swell,
Dagger cut the rope.
Dicky Chet was holding on,
as the bay pitched down the slope.

When the two, settled the little bay down
and got control of their senses,
they looked and found that ol buck,
dragging their rope, clearing all the fences..

The little bay was lathered hard,
standing there in a tremble.
Dicky Chet was laughing hard,
Dagger thinking his brain, the size of a thimble.

Now Dagger and Dicky Chet rode away,
arguing as they went.
Trying to decide who threw the loop,
discussing, how the day had went.

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