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MY PLACE...A Western Blog

"Some men write ‘cause they got to say somethin’
Others write ‘cause they got somethin' to say"

Welcome to the “My Place” page
My name is Scott
I run the Rope and Wire website.

My original idea for this page was to give those living in the country the opportunity to tell others about the things that made their farm or ranch so special.
Well, I’ve come to the conclusion that either no one likes to brag or no one lives on a farm or a ranch. Whatever the case, no one submitted an article so I felt it was high time to try something different.
So for now this will be literally “My Place.” I’ll use this page to post a western blog or short articles. They will either be mine, or possibly one from a contributing R&W community member.

The theme will remain Western but the content will change weekly, or there about.

If you click on any of the links to past blog's, you can return to this page by clicking on the My Place button across from my picture.

I hope you enjoy it but if not, might I suggest you “stroll the grounds.” Read a story or watch a movie.

Thanks for visiting.


Rodeos and wiener dogs

Well the rodeo season is all but over for another year. Cowboys around the country are nursing broken bones and bruised egos.
Belt buckles the size of dinner plates have been handed out and the sting of a friendly slap on the back is merely a memory. Also fading into the distance for another year is the background noise of animal rights activists who insist that rodeo stock are treated inhumanely.

Is a cow being roped and dropped to the ground inhumane? Is it inhumane to ride a Brahma bull? Insane maybe, but certainly not inhumane.

Cowboys have been roping and dropping cattle ever since they started to brand em’.

Oh, I’m sure some think that’s inhumane too.

Rodeo cowboys are doing nothing more than showing off the finely honed skills used by buckaroos for the past 200 years.

Well, maybe not the bull riding part. I have a feeling that got started on a drunken bet.

But ropin’, bronc ridin’ and steer wrestlin’ are definitely part of our Western heritage and bringing ones skills into the confines of the arena for friendly competition has been happening for thousands of years. Rodeo cowboys are well trained and the stock is well cared for. They are both athletes in every sense of the word. Neither one is treated inhumanely.

 Although I’m afraid I will have to admit; I’m sort of an animal rights activist myself. I tend to get upset whenever I see a greased pig contest. Pigs weren’t meant to be all greased up like that and they weren’t meant to be chased around in an enclosed area while adults and children alike watch and giggle with delight. How inhumane! That poor little piggy must be scared half to death and rubbing all that grease on the poor little thing. Why, that can’t be good for it.

But that’s not the half of it.
Let me tell you about the thing that really gets my dander up.
Wiener dog racing. That’s right, wiener dog racing.
How is it that people can abuse those cute little wiener dogs like that? They strap those numbers on their backs and make them run great distances without giving it a second thought. Why, those short little wiener dog legs weren’t meant to run like that. It’s down right cruel and inhumane. Wiener dog racing should be banned in the worst way.

All kidding aside, animal abuse is not right and I’m glad there are people who are willing to stand up for animals when they see them being abused. But unfortunately there are differing opinions on what constitutes abuse and trying to make an issue out of something that doesn’t exist is wrong.

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