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MY PLACE...A Western Blog

"Some men write ‘cause they got to say somethin’
Others write ‘cause they got somethin' to say"

Welcome to the “My Place” page
My name is Scott
I run the Rope and Wire website.

My original idea for this page was to give those living in the country the opportunity to tell others about the things that made their farm or ranch so special.
Well, I’ve come to the conclusion that either no one likes to brag or no one lives on a farm or a ranch. Whatever the case, no one submitted an article so I felt it was high time to try something different.
So for now this will be literally “My Place.” I’ll use this page to post a western blog or short articles. They will either be mine, or possibly one from a contributing R&W community member.

The theme will remain Western but the content will change weekly, or there about.

If you click on any of the links to past blog's, you can return to this page by clicking on the My Place button across from my picture.

I hope you enjoy it but if not, might I suggest you “stroll the grounds.” Read a story or watch a movie.

Thanks for visiting.


Ranger’s Revenge
By James J. Griffin
A Rope and Wire Review

A horrible crime has been committed against Texas Ranger Jim Blawcyzk and his family, which brings them all to the brink of death. Jim is determined to seek revenge against the men who did it. But first he must recover from his near fatal wounds.

The story follows Jim Blawcyzk on a rough and tumble adventure across the Texas countryside and as always, author Jim Griffin has added enough twists and turns to the story to keep his readers wanting for more.

Revenge is not a pretty sight. But then, Ranger Blawcyzk isn’t out to win any merit badges. He wants the men who hurt his family, and he wants them dead. He’s even willing to go against his captain’s orders to do it.

One of the things I find so interesting about this story is the fact that Ranger Blawcyzk has always been a moral, upstanding, true to the core Texas Ranger. But now he seems to be turning against the very laws and values he has so vigorously upheld to seek the revenge that burns within him.

But lucky for Jim, he has a good friend and partner in a fellow Ranger named Smoky McCue, who has been ordered to bring Ranger Jim back to headquarters. Once Smoky catches up with him, he realizes how determined Jim is to follow through with his vengeance. As hard as he tries, Smoky can’t convince him to return to headquarters, so he decides the best thing he can do is to stick close by his side and do whatever a good friend would do to hopefully keep Jim from actually murdering the outlaws they were after.

You would think that catching up with the men who hurt Jim and his family would be the end of the story but author Jim Griffin has other ideas. As the stories many interesting characters are introduced to his readers, the plot thickens and eventually plays itself out in an unexpected twist that is sure to keep his readers on the edge of their seats.

The larger theme of the story has to do with love and friendship as well as good old-fashioned morals.
“Rangers Revenge”... is this a book worth reading? As Texas Ranger Jim Blawcyzk would say… “You can bet a hat on it”.

You can find out more about western author Jim Griffin on the "Authors Herald" page of this site.

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