Rope and Wire
Western Short Stories
Volume Six

Rope and Wire Western Short Stories Volume SixRope and Wire Western Short Stories Volume Six

This is volume six in an ongoing series of new western ePulps, and the second novella in the series. 

This ePulp contains the following traditional western short story...

Hap and Cal: On the Trail of Stewart Clayton, by western author Christopher Scott


Stewart Clayton was a cold blooded killer. But he set himself apart when he stepped over the line and shot a woman for a piece of expensive jewelry.

Once a large and growing bounty was placed on his head by the woman's grieving husband and outraged citizens of her hometown, bounty hunters took notice. 

The only stipulation... Stewart Clayton needed to be brought back alive.

Two such hunters, Hap Freeman and Cal Collins, were not to be deprived of the ever growing reward. Stewart Clayton was cunning. Hap and Cal needed to stay alert if they expected to outfox this killer.

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