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Beyond the Western
Dennis Goodwin

Dennis Goodwin

A free-lance historical nonfiction writer based out of Snellville, Georgia (near Atlanta). For over twenty-five years, Dennis Goodwin has had an interest in writing about the American West, early entertainment, the Civil War period...and basically anything that catches his attention.

He's written a number of booklets as well as over 200 non-fiction stories and articles for magazines like Wild West, True West and Old West. Through the years, Goodwin has learned that the secret to bringing people from the past alive in the present, is to realize that they were very much in the present when they were living.

I try to write about past people and events with the same intensity and immediacy as if they were right outside my window.”

You can find his work on 

Stories by Dennis Goodwin

Pokey, Creety, and the Nudists

Dennis Goodwin

Recollections of my hometown, Colony, Kansas

"Pat, could I have 108 please?" The caller was accustomed to having his black Bakelite phone connect him to personalized service from his hometown telephone operator. And he wasn't disappointed. Without hesitation, Pat, the switchboard lady, informed him, "You won't find him there, I just saw him walk into the barbershop." This folksy exchange could spring from a script for an episode of the Andy Griffith Show. It was however, a slice of real 1950's and '60's life in my small southeastern Kansas hometown of Colony. The little farm town of nearly 400 residents, boasted one of the last privately owned telephone companies in the nation. Read the full story HERE